HTC launched “UH OH Protection”, a free, no questions asked replacement policy on their new flagship phone… but people didn’t care.
We shocked viewers into realizing the value of UH OH, using relatable phone fail moments contextually across channels.
HTC's UH OH Protection program saw a 6pt lift in awareness over the course of 6 weeks purely as a result of Swift's campaign. And what's more, our campaign helped drive sales of the HTC One M9 with 30% of post purchase retail surveys saying UH OH Protection was the reason they bought their M9 device.
The campaign also received a call out by Sheryl Sandberg in Facebook's 2015 Earnings Call*: "I think one of the things that’s interesting about Instagram is while the ads are really visually appealing and that brings to mind certain verticals like fashion or autos, things where the visual really matters, what we're seeing is that lots of different verticals can use the platform really well. So a recent example, HTC working with their agency Swift, did Instagram videos to raise awareness of their mobile device warranty program. So they targeted 18 to 34-year-olds. They did five short videos with these funny moments of about where you're about to break your phone and they got a six-point lift in awareness of what is a warranty program."
Strategy Lead: Yours Truly
Creative Director: Dominic Orlando
Senior Art Director: Aimee Brodbeck